Five is a Prime Number
We’d like to take a moment today to acknowledge Mr. Martin Denny of Safety-Link. Five years ago today, Martin signed on to become a Canvas reselling and content partner. And we couldn’t be happier that he did so. Martin Denny is a leading expert in occupational safety and he develops mobile forms using Canvas to assist businesses in ensuring full compliance with workplace safety-related legislation in the U.K. With over 250 safety-and business-related forms in the Canvas Application Store, Martin is a genuine juggernaut in his chosen field and a prolific Canvas partner as well.
We’d also be remiss if we didn’t mention that much of the reason Martin is a world class business partner is because Martin is a world class gentleman of the highest order. Please check out the Safety-Link Apps by clicking here and join all of Canvas in congratulating Martin and Safety-Link Consulting in reaching this five year milestone as our valued partner.
Congrats Martin! We’re looking forward to your next 250 Canvas apps!